


It's like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It's a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it's the only thing in the world keeping me afloat.” ― Tahereh Mafi

Below is a list of local and national support organisations. I try to update this regularly. Last update 22/2/25.

Mental Wellbeing MIND There are lots of things we can try to do to take care of our wellbeing. - Here Loads of helpful stuff. Take a look.

Neurodivergence resources:

Services, that empower, enlighten and promote neurodivergent understanding and inclusivity in society.

Supporting neurodiverse people - Change Mental Health
For neurodiverse people, building resilience begins with energy management, understanding their emotions and recognising the adjustments they may need.
For & by autistic women, girls and non-binary people | SWAN
SWAN is an autistic-led Charity delivering services, information and support both for and by autistic women and non-binary people across Scotland.
Scottish ADHD Coalition - The Scottish ADHD Coalition
The Scottish ADHD Coalition was launched in June 2017 to bring together the voluntary organisations providing support to adults and children with
Resources Archive - ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity - an integrated health and education service
Resources Some resources developed by The Autism Network as well as some material we have found useful during the course of our work. IWORK4ME is the only Scottish Charity providing specialist support to autistic people who wish to become self-employed. They promote the benefits of self-employment through a unique

The Autism Network is a collective of independent professionals with a background in working with autistic and neurodiverse people. Information on Self Directed suport on the resource page.


Get self-help. This is CBT based and designed for you to work through in your own time. Great self-help resource. Here

YouTube Resources

Brene Brown on shame Here

Dr Gabor Mate

A: Know thy self Here

B: The power of connection Here

Emmy Van Durzen

Emmy is an existential therapist, psychologist, and philosopher. See her video Living your life Here and her blog Here useful in times of crisis.

What to do when your relationship does not allow for mutuality and reciprocity?Here

If you want to live with loving kindness, you need to master your boundaries. Here

Support Organisations

Access Therapies Fife provides information and online CBT support Here

Andy's Man Club

Supporting men by creating a judgement free and confidential space for men to be open about the storms in their lives. Offering free weekly, peer to peer support groups for men over 18 Here

The Well

Community drop-in online and in the local community where you can find out general advice to help you stay well and independent Here

Breathing Space

Website here

Call: 0800 83 85 87 | Text Relay: 18001 0800 22 44 88

Weekdays Mon - Thurs 6pm - 2am & Weekends Fri 6pm - Mon 6am

Domestic abuse

03300 949 395 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday

AMIS supports male victims of domestic abuse We are Scotland’s helpline for male domestic abuse victims. All are welcome to phone or email us. Need to talk? 03300 949 395 9am - 4pm, Monday to Friday Call our helpline
Scottish Women’s Aid
Visit the post for more.

Parenting Resources

Wild Fife Babies - (1) Facebook

Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery - Welcome - Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery (

Parenting resource links form the Mood Café for Fife Here

NHS FIFE resources page -  Parenting / Maternity Services Here

Families First – St Andrews – Support for families in NE fife with additional support needs Here

Local mental health support Fife - Here

Trauma Recovery:

Waking the Tiger - PDF book by Peter Levine - Excellent book for trauma recovery here Or audio book is link here

Breathing exercises with Peter Levine here

Discussion on trauma - The Unseen Discussion Between Peter Levine & Bessel Van Der Kolk here

Martin Shaw

“Well, I offer a retuning of intention, a slightly more sober directive—to be of a place, to labour under a related indebtedness to a stretch of earth that you have not claimed but which has claimed you.”
― Martin Shaw, Scatterlings

Video - finding a sense of place Shaw asks - How could we be not just from a place, but of a place?

Martin Shaw has an amazing collection of poems, and stories. I find his work very grounding, His books are wonderful to read. Especially, if you need to become absorbed in something for a time. His work was a go to for me during my counselling training, and this particular video and his book Scatterlings helped me to feel more settled in Fife. After moving here from the Scottish Borders.

A list of his books are here

Eco Anxiety - Small changes can make a big difference...

Reach out if you are feeling overwhelmed by the climate emergency, war, or the current state of politics. It can be overwhelming to process this as well as struggling with anxiety or depression. I have been an activist for most of my adult life. I understand how helpless you can feel looking at the news, seeing the state of the oceans full of plastic, war, the polarisation of politics. I don't have the solutions, but small changes can make a difference. For details of groups and support see The work that Reconnects web page here I did one of the courses there recently and would reccomend one of the day workshops or joining a group local to you.

Like - Shopping locally, Buying less. Whatever works for you in your world. It all helps to raise awareness, and reduce feelings of overwhelm, and feeling powerless.

Friends of the Earth - explains this better than me :) See the link on Fast Fashion They are calling on the public to embrace ‘slow fashion’ rather than fast fashion; and buy fewer, better quality items made with sustainable material instead.

We need to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century to avoid disastrous climate change. The earlier this is achieved, the greater our chance of limiting global temperature rise to near 1.5°C, helping prevent runaway climate change. Interesting page on what can be done to change things... Emergence Magazine linking, Ecology and Spirituality.

Grassroot change movie ‘wetheuncivilised, A Life Story’, is not just a movie, it’s a grassroots movement. It is a starting point for people to come together to explore thoughts and feelings around the current ecological crisis, and to join as a community to transform ideas into action.

Resurgence magazine

Resurgence & Ecologist magazine addresses the environmental, social, and spiritual challenges and opportunities of our time. It provides a voice for change that is driven not by fear, but by a love of the Earth and its many life forms. Recognising the interconnectedness of the crises we face; it seeks to inform and inspire a just and thriving future for all.


Climate Psychology Alliance Here aims to contribute by:

• building understanding and support for individuals and groups
• enabling transformation and adaptation
• helping us to cope with the consequences of the climate and ecological crisis.

Outdoor Therapy - Just BE outdoors! :) John Muir has some amazing writing on his journeys, and connection nature. Be inspired...

 John Muir

How little note is taken of the deeds of Nature! What paper publishes her reports? ....Who publishes the sheet-music of the winds, or the written music of water written in river-lines? Who reports and works and ways of the clouds, those wondrous creations coming into being every day like freshly upheaved mountains? And what record is kept of Nature's colors - - the clothes she wears - of her birds, her beasts - her live-stock?
John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir, (1938) p. 220.