Outdoor Therapy

Outdoor therapy, is a great alternative to being in a counselling room. Being outside promotes a feeling of well-being, we naturally begin to slow down, enabling us to re-connect to our own inner processing, and become more open and trusting of our thoughts and feelings. Outdoor therapy, can help with many issues, such as depression and anxiety, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, life transitions, grief and loss and for people who identify as neurodivergent.
John Muir’s words in the photo caption, describe an experience which means more than just being in nature; it resonates with me, saying something about journeying inwards, to discover the long lost parts of ourselves, claiming our joy again, connecting to our authenticity. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can re-connect to supressed emotions, long forgotten memories, can return. Remember being a child, and how freeing it was to play, sit under a tree or watch the clouds pass by. This is the beauty of therapy. A rediscovery of our inner knowing, connecting again with our inner experiencing, free from conditioning and other people's labels for who we are, at our inner most core and essence.
Defining the Practice
Outdoor therapy, also known as ecotherapy, nature therapy, or “walking and talking” therapy, is a therapeutic practice that moves counselling sessions from the traditional indoor setting into the natural world. Sessions may take place in a variety of outdoor settings. This form of therapy harnesses the innate healing properties of nature to support and facilitate psychological healing and growth.
Is wherever you choose... It might be a park, beside a loch, the beach or a walk in the forest or up a hill. Where do you enjoy spending time? I have visited some clients at home, and we have sat indoors or in the garden. Other sessions, have been up hills, sitting under a tree, or walking through local woodlands or forests.
What about the weather?
I check the Met Office weather forecast the day before your session. Any session postponed due to bad weather can be rescheduled or changed to an online session.
Where do I work?
At the moment, I see clients in my local area, in Fife and Perth & Kinross. I can also meet clients in Perth, Dundee or Edinburgh. During your first appointment we can discuss where you would like to meet.
How much does it cost?
Please see the latest price on the book an appointment page. Concessions are available, please ask when you book.
Call or online chat?
Let me know if you would like to have a chat online or over phone, before booking your first session. If you prefer to just book a counselling session that's great! Please get in touch to arrange an appointment.
How frequent are the sessions?
Sessions are usually weekly or fortnightly to suit your availability.
Do you offer longer walks?
Yes, day or half day walks can be arranged, I also offer longer sessions by arrangement. I am starting walking groups soon. Please get in touch for more information.